OHA Drinking Water Services

OHA Drinking Water Services
Water Advisory Details

PWS ID: OR41 99999
Advisory Type: Boil Water
Reason: E. coli, Unconfirmed (Voluntary)
Area Affected: System-wide
Affected Populations: All
Begin Date:
Date Lifted: Open
Contacted By: MICHAEL, CHUCK (DWP)
Who Was Contacted: janet
Contact Phone: 503-999-9999
Details: Two of 4 repeat samples E.coli positive 6/14, another TC+ and the source and 4th site absent. I was notified by the lab approx. 2pm and contacted Dale at the system immediately to issue a boil water advisory. Dale distributed PN by hand, email and community sign boards. My office visited all the food service facilities and ODA stores in Tumalo and discussed boil advisory and left OHA contaminated water fact sheet. Dale contacted me in afternoon that he chlorinated reservoir to approx. 10-12 ppm. He will flush Thursday and sample again Friday after all chlorine is gone. Local TV station aired story on this 8pm Wednesday evening. Can lift boil PN only if all follow up samples absent for bacteria. THESE ARE EXTRA CHARACTERS TO TEST FIELD LENG

Update 04/03/2018:  test

Associated Alerts: COLI15640 - 06/22/2016 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI  See also:

COLI15642 - 06/22/2016 - COLIFORM (TCR) , E. COLI

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4799
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