OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00452
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jim Anderson (503) 437-0401
Contact Date: 01/05/2006
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: pH excursions - violation DETAILS: Jim called to let me know that he has not been able to maintain his minimum pH in the system. He has already contacted Gary at the county. They have switched to using just the springs at this time of year, and the raw pH there is 5.56. The flow from the springs increased dramatically (from 65 gpm to 250 gpm) and the soda ash feed pump is not flow-proportioned. The staff was adjusting the feed pump every day, but they got behind. Also, their feed pump is now maxed out. Jim is working with the pump guy to see if they need to get a whole new pump or just a new motor (which was also malfunctioning). He cannot increase the concentration of his solution due to crystalization. They have done lots of trouble-shooting to figure out the problem. Due to the current pump size, they may not be able to resolve it for up to a week. While theyre working on the pump, they will also consider getting it flow-proportioned. Jim understands that the system will get a violation. They are monitoring the situation closely and will keep us informed of any progress. ACTION NEEDED: Kari will get back with Jim regarding public notice requirements for this violation (Tier 2 or Tier 3?).

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4296
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