OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94871
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mr. Hawkins
Contact Date: 01/05/2006
Contact Method/Location: Letter
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Sanitary Servey Deficiencies. DETAILS: Thank you for discussing with me the deficiencies that were noted in the August 4, 2003 sanitary survey of this public water system. The significant deficiencies and their current status as are follows: ACTION NEEDED: Wellhead not protected from flooding -Terminates Below Grade - Extend the casing to at least 12" above grade. This deficiency has not been corrected. Lead and Copper Monitoring Is Delinquent - Lead and copper was monitored for August 08, 2003. This deficiency has been corrected. Provide a Operation and Maintenance Manual - I have enclosed a guidance document that should outline the requirements of this manual. This deficiency has not been corrected. Obtain Operator Certification - This deficiency has been corrected. Your certification expires 7/31/06. The drinking water will be teaching a Groundwater Operator Certification class at LBCC in February 2006 that will extend your certification to 7/31/09. Call Marsha Fox at (971) 673-0408 to register. Provide an ERP - This deficiency has been corrected. Please contact me with any questions at (541) 967-3821.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1993
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