OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05861
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Greta Roby (503) 655-1313
Contact Date: 04/10/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: First quarter 2006 sample taken 3/14/06 positive TC and positive FC DETAILS: Friday 4/7/06 did a site visit at Footpath Café to discuss positive FC sample and do a sanitary survey. I was accompanied by my colleague Dan Leasure. Greta said she is doing the sampling herself and taking them in to the lab. She said the lab told her to disinfect the well and do 1 follow up sample. The well was disinfected on 3/14 and a repeart was taken on 3/17/06, the result was absent for total and fecal coliform. I told her that she is actually required to take 4 repeats. She was unfaimilaiar with proper sampling procedures and believes the ositives were a result of sampling error on her part. The sample was also taken from a fairly new 3 compartment sink faucet in the kitchen that has a swivel and a screen. ACTION NEEDED: Five routines for April should have been done by now, will consult with Greta further if any are positive for total or fecal coliform.

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