OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00525
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Annette Phillips (541) 938-7247
Contact Date: 11/06/2006
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Operational assistance with coliform and lead. DETAILS: BACKGROUND-Source water is shallow and subject to coliform contamination. There is UV treatment but the unit has not been maintained. There is also a chlorinator on the system but it is not proportional to flow and there is little or no contact time for the chlorine. The action Level for lead was exceeded by a substantial margin in 2006. The current management has been in place for less than a year.
ACTION PERFORMED-Spoke to Bill Goss in the Pendleton to review the coliform and lead histories for this system. Called the new owners and was referred to the new Managers. Called Mrs Phillips to make an appointment for a site visit. Met with her on 11.18.06. Reviewed operational requirements for the system. Mr Phillips has attended a Small Water Training Class but had not submitted an application to be certified. I showed her how to access information on the DWP website. Inspected the well and control room for the system. I noted numerous deficiencies and lack of maintenance. There is no pressure gauge and the flow meter is not functional. Two of the four UV units are shut off and the bulbs in the other two are old. The well pump is variable and chlorine pump is on a timer which shuts off at night. Chlorine levels fluctuate but are only being measured once a month. Mrs Phillips stated that they were thinking about replacing the UV treatment unit but she indicated that they do not know what to do about the lead problem. I told her that I would review all of the information available and prepare a recommendation for them on how to deal with the coliform and lead issues. ACTION NEEDED: I will contact them in a month.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3756
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