OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00603
Who Was Contacted and Phone: John Hume, Martin Klinger (541) 921-0673
Contact Date: 02/14/2007
Contacted By: STRASSNER, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Tracer Study DETAILS: I visited what appeared to be a well maintained plan site. The system plant is a Slow Sand Filter Plant using liquid chlorine for disinfection. On the day I visited, the plant was disinfecting filtered water at 1.01 mgl free chlorine residual prior to storage. Filtration consists of two 20’x40’ slow sand filters. Two 5000 gallon Redwood Tanks provide contact prior to going to the combined storage of 150,000 gallons. A 50,000 gallon Redwood tank appearing in excellent condition and a lined 100,000 gallon freshly painted metal tank will be considered in the theoretical contact time calculation. Martin has put together a comprehensive operations manual of plant equipment and plant function since the 2005 survey. He indicates the non-certified operator has been able to follow the manual to perform certain instrument calibrations and other such plant operations. I believe with the table of contents, the manuals organization and the pictures the manual fulfills the requirement noted as a deficiency in the Survey. Martin indicated a Coliform Sampling Plan was on file with the Operations Manual. The plant has a flow meter on the discharge of the chlorinated water going to the contact vessels and ultimately to storage but as required for the Tracer Study the stored effluent is not metered. The absence of an effluent flow meter is likely been the delay in accomplishing the Tracer Study since the SS of 05. The status of the need to meter the effluent flow has been reported to the Sanitarian per her request. ACTION NEEDED: Maintain contact with both DWP and the system’s John Hume as to status of effluent meter installation. Provide recommendations if requested to do so.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3981
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