OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01149
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ray Hobson (503) 835-7221
Contact Date: 09/18/2006
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Coliform alert DETAILS: Contacted Ray Hobson by telephone about 2 routine positive TCR results 9/11/06. He stated he was aware and has already submitted required repeat samples, and that he received notice that all his repeat samples were negative. 9/22/06- Contacted him about positive repeat TCR results received at the lab on 9/18/06. I informed him that the lab reported positive TCR repeat results. He said he received them also. He stated that he already took a 2nd round of repeat samples and delivered them to the lab on 9/21/06. I informed him that repeat positive results require sending alert notices to water system users, but he said he thought he knew what the problem was and that it should be fixed, and he wanted to wait to see if the problem was fixed. I told him that if any of the current repeat samples come back positive, then he must send alert notices to water system users. He agreed. He contacted Jim Solvedt by phone at the office. He stated he thought the problem might be his sampling site. He was taking samples from a frost-free hydrant. Jim Solvedt advised him to take samples from a stationary fixture. He stated he took additional samples on 9/21/06. 9/28- I contacted Mr. Hobson to determine if he submitted the 2nd round of repeat samples. He stated he took a total of 4 repeat samples himself to the water lab on Monday 9/25/06, and that all 4 were negative. I asked him to fax me a copy of the results. He said he would fax me the results on Friday, 9/29/06. I reminded him to take 5 additional samples next sample period. 9/29- I received a fax showing all 4 repeat samples taken on 9/25/06 were negative. ACTION NEEDED: Take 5 routine samples next sample period.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3557
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