OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00125
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Richard Pierce (541) 822-6057
Contact Date: 10/03/2006
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Cross Connection, ERP and CCR DETAILS: I made an appointment with Dick. He does not have access to the internet, so I reviewed water quality monitoring results for 2005 and used CCRWriter to set up a draft CCR. Also printed a blank ASR and made copies of example enabling authority ordinance and ERP. We met on 10.2.06. He said he was able to complete and distribute the CCR for 2005. He still needs to send certification to DWP. I gave him a certification form. We worked on the ERP and CCC programs. Review minimum requirements for the ERP. Discussed the water system – how it is operated and what kinds of emergencies are likely to occur. Discussed what would be appropriate to include. Walked the system and worked on ERP items. He will finish the ERP and send the form to DWP certifying that he has completed it. Pierce stated that the main thing needed in the CCC program was to establish an Enabling Authority. I provided an example for their use. He also had questions regarding what kinds of backflow devices have to be used. I advised that he should check with the local plumbing inspector for those specifics. I produced a list of devices that are testable. I reviewed requirements to make sure these devices are tested each year and the system to retain copies of testing records. I gave them a copy of the ASR report that must be submitted to DWP each year. ACTION NEEDED: Mr Pierce will contact us if there are any questions.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3241
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