OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01448
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Nita Slater (541) 598-7581
Contact Date: 04/03/2007
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Assistance with cross connection enabling authority DETAILS: This CWS serves the Widgi Creek home owners and golf course and condos at the Inn of the Seventh Mountain. The system is privately owned and operated. Water is supplied by a single well, and there are approximately 175 service connections. Property manager, Nita Slater, was referred to the circuit rider program after contacting the state drinking water program (DWP) with questions regarding the annual summary report. The system contracts with certified operator Butch Rogers for technical services. The system lacks a written enabling authority (EA). Reviewed newsletter prepared by Ms. Slater informing customers of their responsibility to install, maintain, and have inspected the backflow devices on their property. I contacted Ms. Slater to offer assistance and make an appointment to meet. I thin modified the example EA to fit the needs of this system, printed a copy, and burned the draft EA onto a CD. Met with Ms. Slater to review the draft EA and provided the CD. Discussed the need for the water company board to meet and adopt the EA, then submit a copy of the adopted EA to the states DWP. Discussed other components of a comprehensive cross connection control program, including 1) EA, 2) list of all testable backflow devices in the system, 3) annual testing, 4) ASR, 5) inspections/surveys as needed, and 6) customer education as appropriate. ACTION NEEDED: The water company board needs to adopt the enabling authority and submit a copy to the state DWP.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2378
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