OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01165
Who Was Contacted and Phone: John Staver ( ) 899-1334
Contact Date: 02/16/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Routine sample collected 02/15/07 tested positive for total coliform and E. coli DETAILS: I spoke with John Staver. I developed a public notice (attached) that he is planning on distributing immediately upon receiving it (via fax). He is going to have his maintenance man (Steve) look into the status of the chlorinator as we discussed that is the likely source of the problem. Steve notified me that he will be collecting four repeat samples on 02/21. He said that, coincidentally, the well pump went out over the weekend so he had to have water hauled from the City of Medford to fill the storage tank and have the pump repaced. The pump has now been replaced and the system shocked and flushed. Neilson Labs verified that all four repeat samples passed. I called John and notified him of the sample results. He asked me to call Steve, as he is the onsite manager. I called an left a voicemail for Steve informing him that he can lift the public notice and reminding him that he will need to collect five routine samples in the month of March. I received a call from a park resident saying that the managers would not give her a clear answer on whether or not the water is safe. I notified John of this call. He said that he would contact Steve and make sure that the word is out to the park that the water is safe. ACTION NEEDED: Five routine samples need to be collected in the month of March.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3563
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