OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 91504
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ken Gruenwald (541) 830-1240
Contact Date: 03/21/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: 90th percentile of lead sample set collected 2/12/07 exceeded lead action level DETAILS: The 90th percentile value was 0.0386. Sample results were: room 14, 0.0639-- staff room, 0.0132-- principals office, 0.00273-- kitchen, 0.000949-- gym, 0.00309. I spoke with Ken Gruenwald about these results and consulted Scott Curry. We decided that the room 14 fixture is likely problematic and that it should be replaced. Ken said that he will also replace the staff room fixture. I have scheduled a sanitary survey for 03/29/07 and we will resample both of the replaced fixtures at that time. 04/09/07 resample results: staff room, 0.0457-- room 14, 0.0561. After consulting with Scott Curry and Ken Gruenwald it was decided that because these sample were collected at the end of the schools spring break they did not represent normal usage. The water had been standing for almost seven days. Ken will collect additional resamples on 04/13 after a week of normal usage. 04/20/07: room 14, 0.00968-- staff room, 0.0153. The staff room is still above the action level. The recalculated 90th percentile is 0.01249. This is below the action level. I called Ken Gruenwald and notified him of the results. These results were sent to the state. ACTION NEEDED: No further action is needed at this time.
Associated Alerts: CHEM2396 - 03/22/2007 - LEAD SUMMARY

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