OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00374
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Sylvia Bush (541) 567-1047
Contact Date: 01/18/2007
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: CWS missing several consumer confidence reports and certifications DETAILS: North Hill is an older residential development just north of Hermiston. The water system serves 28 residences with a population of approximately 90. The water is supplied from two wells, each on its own entry point. Well no. 2 is the main source, but they switch to well no. 1 in the winter to save electricity costs when the demand is less. This system was referred to the circuit rider program for failure to prepare and submit CCRs on a regular basis. Called Ms. Bush to discuss the need for the CCR and to make an appointment for a field visit. Pulled pertinent water quality data for this system off the state database (SDWIS). Visited Bush at the above address. She was familiar with the DWP website and SDWIS. She had prepared a CCR similar to one that was done for 2004, but it did not meet the minimum requirements for content. We pulled up the CCRiWriter website and logged in. Created a CCR for 2006 using CCRiWriter and the pertinent water quality data (see attached). Called up and printed a sample certification form. We reviewed the requirements for distribution of the CCR and for submitting to the DWP. Reminded her that the 2006 CCR is due by July 1, 2007. ACTION NEEDED: Ms. Bush plans to distribute the CCR by going door to door. After the CCRs are distributed, she needs to send a copy to the DWP along with a completed certification form.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3732
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