OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00863
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Bessie Hamilton (541) 923-2247
Contact Date: 05/15/2007
Contacted By: WILSON, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Assistance with coliform sampling plan and cross connection policy/program DETAILS: This CWS serves a small mobile home park with 90 connections and a population of approximately 60. The system is supplied by two wells that pump water into the system through pressure tanks in the laundry/utility building. The park has no coliform sampling plan (CSP) and no enabling authority (EA) for cross connection control (CCC). On the recommendation of Jeff Freund of Deschutes County, I contacted Gary Triplett who has been working with the owner to address some of the compliance issues. Mr. Triplett is not aware of any testable backflow devices in the park, but there is one hot tub and numerous outside faucets throughout the park. Advised Mr. Triplett to consider placing hose bib vacuum breakers for backflow protection on all outside faucets, but to at least make sure that the faucet used to fill the hot tub has a vacuum breaker. Modified the sample EA to fit the needs of this system and printed a copy. Reviewed the EA with Mr. Triplett. He agreed to have the park manager sign the EA and send a copy to the state DWP. Discussed the annual summary report (ASR). Mr. Triplett will check with the owner to make sure that the ASR has been submitted. Worked with Mr. Triplett to write a CSP. Discussed the need to rotate between at least 2 routine sample sites and show all sample sites on a map of the system. Discussed the need for the system to have an operation and maintenance (O and M) manual. Suggested to Mr. Triplett that he use a 3-ring binder and include 1) water monitoring schedules, 2) CSP, 3) CCC program with EA and current ASR, 4) current consumer confidence report, 5) emergency response plan, 6) routine operations such s daily, weekly, monthly, yearly checks or inspections or actions. ACTION NEEDED: n/a

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3798
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