OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00003
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Tim Sanders & Brian Helliwell (541) 451-1117
Contact Date: 07/10/2007
Contacted By: KELLEY, KAREN (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Water Outage on 7/9/2007 DETAILS: Tim Sanders called today to let me know that Adair Village ran out of water on Monday 7/9. The water outage was due in part to high water usage and operator error on Sunday. The systems policy is to keep the Voss Hill Reservoir no less than 50% capacity during the weekend. However, the capacity dropped to 45% on Sunday morning and the operator did not turn on the plant. Subsequent extreme high water use (irrigation, fire, etc.) led to a complete water outage for about 12 hours on Monday for most of the system. The system is back up and running, however, the operators have not yet flushed the system (due to concerns over water quantity), assured chlorine residual maintenance throughout the system, or collected coliform samples to assure water quality. Brian said he would collect the chlorine residual samples and coliform samples asap. Brian also said they would include an SOP on how to deal with this situation in the future, including calling the DWP immediately. Adair is in the process of installing low water alarms and turbidity alarms to become more automated which should help resolve this problem in the future. ACTION NEEDED: Await results of coliform sampling. Too late to issue the boil water notice at this point.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3937
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