OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00863
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Dave Hancock (503) 789-9911
Contact Date: 07/26/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Enforcement DETAILS: NOTE: Under reason, VOC, SOC, Rads, and Operations are also marked. Details: Spoke with owner Dave Hancock regarding ongoing missing baseline chemical results for well no. 2 (south in well house). Explained recent well field designation and baseline chemicals required and then future sampling will be from well no. 1 as it is the older and unknown casing, etc. He agreed to sampling for phase 2/5 and rads. I reminded him this was the expensive test. He agreed. I also called Coffey labs and spoke with Steve and Donna and explained the same story and they are both informed on which tests are needed. Donna said she would probably take the chemical samples next Tues. or Wed. (7/31-8/1). She will call when samples taken. She will also take bacteria sample as it appears as if well no. 2 enters distribution system at a different point. I then called Gary Triplett (park manager) and discussed the same thing. We also discussed that he should attend the upcoming Sept. 11 SMGO course and become the local operator for the system since the owner is an absentee owner (Dave Hancock agreed to this in our phone conversation earlier). Gary Triplett said he would attend as well as Bessie Hamilton. If all chemical results are ok, system will be on routine monitoring schedule of every 3 years for SOC, IOC, VOC, and normal schedules for rads, lead/copper, nitrate and bacteria and should use well no. 1 as the designated sample point per Dennis Nelson. ACTION NEEDED: Follow up on chemical sample results from well no. 2 and develop routine schedule based on results. System to send at least one local representative to training course to operate system.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3798
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