OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00845 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Toni Thompson (541) 894-2314 | ||
Contact Date: | 08/02/2007 | ||
Contacted By: | WILSON, BOB (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Field | ||
Assistance Type: | CIRCUIT RIDER ASSISTANCE | ||
Reasons: | N/A N/A |
Details: | SUMMARY: Assistance with DPB problems and Tracer Study for chlorine contact time DETAILS: I met with Toni and the city maintenance person who does the day to day operation of the system. I reviewed system and inspected control room and reservoirs. The water passes through slow sand filters, then is chlorinated as it is pumped first through the old 100K Gallon wood reservoir (which serves as contact chamber) , then into the new 300K concrete reservoir serving a small section of the town at a higher elevation. There is no flow meter on the discharge side of the main reservoir, so there is no good data on peak flows. The main reservoir is full at 22 ft and calls for water at 18.5 ft. The reservoir level is recorded in the morning, but without continuous readings low levels at peak periods are not known. Water records for May and June 06 indicate that daily production varies considerably, generally between 60,000 to 100,000 gpd. On weekends flows jump to 140,000 and 180,000 gpm with a maximum of 227.6K gpd. Assuming an average daily demand of 90,000 (or 62.5 gpm) and a peaking factor of five peak hourly demand-- peak hourly flow would be 312.5 gpm. Allowing a conservative baffling factor of 20 % of the 400K gallons of storage, estimated chlorine contact time would be 80K gallons/312.5 or 256 minutes. This amount of contact time may actually contribute to the formation of DPBs in the finished water. ACTION NEEDED: The intake rebuilding need to be completed to continue to monitor for DPBs. Before a contact study is done, it would be best to have a discharge flow meter and better records. |