OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00055
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Pete Creft & Becky Crockett (503) 226-7377
Contact Date: 11/28/2007
Contacted By: WAUN, GEORGE (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SRF
Details: SUMMARY: Conference call to discuss draft EID submitted for environmental review for SRF project DETAILS: Kurt Putnam and I participated in a conference call with Pete Creft of MWH Consultants and Becky Crockett of Crockett Environmental regarding the City of Astoria SRF project to cover reservoirs #2 and #3. I reviewed the draft Environmental Information Document (EID) dated November 2007 and had some remaining concerns regarding the draining of the reservoirs. We discussed the process of draining reservoirs, frequency, permit requirements and/or recommendations, DEQ and/or ODFW input and concurrence with practices, necessary update and finalization of EID, remaining env review process and timelines, and funding options/release of funds from OECDD. ACTION NEEDED: Becky will update and resubmit the EID to include current proposal for reservoir draining, DEQ/ODFW feedback and plan, and an update to the 10/4/07 memo in Appendix A of the EID regarding reservoir draining options. Pete will contact Vicki Goodman, Regional Coordinator for OECDD, regarding release and/or use of funds for engineering design work. George/DWP will contact City to outline remaining process for completion of environmental review requirements (initial FNSI, public notification, 30 day comment period, final FNSI, receipt of public notice copy or affidavit, and final approval.

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