OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00575
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Doug LaGrou (541) 217-5310
Contact Date: 01/29/2008
Contacted By: STRASSNER, BOB (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Response to Sanitary Survey DETAILS: HBH was contacted by the system for assistance noted in a recent Sanitary Survey. I visited the system on 1/15/08. I reviewed recent 2007 water quality monitoring results for Nitrate, VOCs and SOCs. I called the laboratory to validate that the results had been reported to DWP. The lab had not reported the nitrate results but indicated they would do so. I reviewed drawings of the MHPs distribution piping. Doug indicated, when attempted to repair system leaks, the maps were not always correct. Before touring the facilities, I entered specific dates for deficiency correction timelines into a yearly planner that Doug has been maintaining since the Survey. They survey prioritized the deficiencies and mandated “complete by” dates which were discussed as we toured each component for the system. A written response noting HBH’s participation in assisting Mr LaGrou was completed and mailed to Coos County. The first priority for the system is to restore the chlorination system. Bandon Well and Pump Company has been contacted and made aware of the well pump’s inefficiency. The chlorine feed pump will be sequenced to operate when the well is called to pump. The concentration of the 12.5 percent chlorine was inadequate to produce a detectable residual. The dilute concentration has been adjusted sufficiently to produce free chlorine in the distribution system. A well pump failure required Bandon Well to pull and replace worn splines on the pump. Stored water was supplemented form the South Well system requiring additional chlorination. Samples in the system showed loss of residual. The North Well chlorination was adjusted after the pump repair to re-establish a detectable system residual. ACTION NEEDED: Continue to address the many deficiencies noted the Survey in a timely manor.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4117
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