OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 00018 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Monty Torgeson (541) 926-1974 | ||
Contact Date: | 02/19/2008 | ||
Contacted By: | HOY, DEBORAH (LINN COUNTY) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Office | ||
Assistance Type: | VIOLATION RESPONSE | ||
Reasons: | Arsenic Arsenic |
Details: | SUMMARY: Discussed Arsenic non-reporting violation with Monty. DETAILS: Monty thought he had taken the arsenic sample but checked with the lab and apparently he did not. He promises to M/R ASAP. Also discussed L&C non-reporting. Again, Monty thought that he took the samples and did not. He said he would M/R in June or July 2008. I will provide him with a chemical monitoring schedule. Monty will post public notice for not M/R arsenic and L&C and provide a copy to DHS and Linn County. Discussed the fact that he is not sending L&C corrosion control pH monitoring results to the State on a monthly basis (his last one was 9/07) He assured me that he monitors for pH daily and he will start sending reports to the State. Also discussed that he is not following the CB sampling plan, especially that he has been sampling from the 100,000 gallon reservoir since 1999 or before and hardly ever within the distribution system. I am meeting with Monty on 3/06/08 to develop a new CB sampling plan and pick-up a service area and facility map. We also discussed that the chlorine residual has been recorded as below 0.2 ppm during CB sampling. He said that they have a new digital monitoring device and he might be using it incorrectly. I suggested that he read the instructions and ensure that he is testing for chlorine residual correctly, and also ensure that it is above 0.2 ppm at all times. ACTION NEEDED: Check on SDWIS for arsenic M/R, L&C water quality parameter M/R and that CB is monitored at the routine sites within the distribution system. Arsenic was monitored on February 26, 2008 and reported on March 5, 2008- Violation Corrected. |