OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00585
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Alan Tuckey (503) 842-6462
Contact Date: 08/07/2008
Contacted By: SALIS, KARI (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Mining and high turbidity DETAILS: Tillamook county had heard of some troubles at Oceanside, so I gave Alan a call. He said that it is the same mining operation as last year. On or around August 3rd, the turbidity at Oceanside was 9 NTU. The contractor at the Green Crow mine apparently drained a pond at a rock crushing facility in the watershed. Alan is working with DEQ and DOGAMI to see if this was legal, but at first look it seems they do have a discharge permit. Chemical content of the water is unknown, but it is very highly turbid water. Alan is not able to produce drinkable water with their plant when the raw water turbidity is above 2 NTU or so. They have no alarms on their plant, so on Tuesday 8/5 the finished water turbidity was up to 1.5 NTU when Alan checked. At that point, he drained the clearwell, but he is unsure whether or not any water > 0.3 NTU went out into the system. This is a problem. He has been trying to get a contractor out to set up the alarm and auto-shutoff systems, but is having difficulty. This needs to be a high priority. As of Thursday he was making good water (0.05 NTU) and has plenty of storage. They were never on an official conservation notice, but doesnt want people to waste water. ACTION NEEDED: See if rock crusher has permit. Figure out why plant cant produce good water when raw is above 2 NTU. Get alarms or auto-shutoff on plant!!

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3980
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