OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95057
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Rosia Rios (541) 274-0604
Contact Date: 07/23/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: Nitrate exceedence MCL DETAILS: On July 22, 2008 the KCEHD received a water quality alert regarding the nitrate result of 11.3 mg/L above the MCL. I called Rosie Rios and mentioned that since this is an exceedence of the MCL that they now need to consider nitrate treatment options which include deepening the well, or installing a nitrate treatment system. Rosia informed me (which Lisa at Spring Street Analytical confirmed) that a repeat sample is being taken today 7/23/08 because when the initial sample was taken on 7/7/08 it was out of temperature on arrival to the water lab (71 degrees F) thus potentially altering the nitrate results. It is being debated if the initial sample will be invalidated or not. ACTION NEEDED: Vallarta Grills national average of nitrate samples has exceeded the MCL. They are now required to treat their water for Nitrate. The most likely option is one that Russ Kazmierczak for the state SWP suggested: take one sample with their normal jet pump and then replace the jet pump with a submersible pump and take an additional sample to compare with. If nitrate levels are noticeable lower than they were with the jet pump then that would be an acceptable option. Another option for nitrate reduction is by installing nitrate treatment to the system, I.e. reverse osmosis.
Associated Alerts: CHEM3034 - 07/22/2008 - NITRATE

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4506
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