OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94988
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mary DeHart (503) 880-8552
Contact Date: 08/05/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Positive TC 7/27/08 DETAILS: Mary took 3 routine samples on 7/27/08. The one sample that came back positive was the sample that should have been reported as a special raw water sample. The other two samples were absent and taken at Space #4 and space #1. Discussed with Mary how the sampling plan is not being followed as Oak Knoll - Space #4 should have been monitored. Asked Mary why she took 2 routine samples within the park and she said that she thought she had to. She did not understand that only one routine sample is required in a quarter and that the 2 designated routine sites should be rotated every quarter. Discussed how raw water samples need to be taken monthly for GWUDI purposes. She said she didnt know she needed to take raw samples every month even though I had discussed it with her as well as Russ Kazmierczaks letter requesting her to do so. She said she never received Russs GWUDI letter. Mary blamed the positive TC raw sample on the pressure tank not working correctly. The PT was replaced with a larger one on 7/29/08. Mary said that the free chlorine residual was 0.5 ppm at the time she took the sample. I asked her to record the chlorine residual result on the lab slip. ACTION NEEDED: I will ask Chuck Michael if the positive raw water sample can be changed to a special sample as it was not representative of the distribution system. I will also send Mary another copy of the CBSP and call Russ K. regarding the GWUDI letter.
Associated Alerts: COLI5425 - -

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4280
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