OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 06047
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kevin Hunt, Richard Jacobson (541) 686-3592
Contact Date: 03/20/2009
Contact Method/Location: Letter
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Wellfield determination explanation based on system questions and SWA data acquisition. DETAILS: Skyridge H.O.A. had requested that a new wellfield determination be performed on the basis of incoporating a previously constructed source into an existing wellfield. The previous wellfield determination was granted in 12-2006 by the DWP and included Well #2, and Well # 5. The new determination examined Well # 1 for inclusion. Well #1 is the oldest well and previously been considered a backup source. According to the well logs all three sources draw from the same aquifer. The aquifer is fractured sedimentary bedrock associated with the Tss unit. Well #1 would be considered the most susceptible well due to its age and construction date of 6-12-1978. The aquifer is considered moderately sensitive. Skyridge Road is the only potential contaminant source within the 2 year time of travel for Well #1 and is considered a moderate risk. A wellfield determination has been granted based on the limited low impact land uses in the area and that all three wells draw from the same aquifer. ACTION NEEDED: None

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4556
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