OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05946
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Shirley Van Leuven (541) 778-3166
Contact Date: 12/30/2008
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Four repeat samples collecte 12/24/08 tested positive for total coliform DETAILS: 12/29/08 Four repeat samples collected on 12/24/08 tested positive for total coliform. Daniel Hough and I met with Shirley Van Leuven, Carrie Hinesley, and Norm Van Leuven today. We discussed the recent positive samples the tier 2 public notice requirement and agreed on a plan of action: special samples will be obtained at the well head and at the storage tanks this week. 01/05/09 Cari Hinesly called and said that they had chlorinated the system but after discussing the details with her it became apparent that this was not a thorough shock chlorination (lack of contact time and other issues). They will wait five days after the chlorine is flushed from the system and take a special sample. 1/16/09 Shirley called and said the special sample collected on 1/13/09 tested positive. She will discuss with the other water board members on 1/19/09 and then shock chlorinate the well, tanks and distribution system by 1/23/09. 1/20/09 Terry and Cari and Norm Van Lueven came in to the office today and met with Daniel Hough and I. They have decided to disinfect with a low level chlorine treatment - 1.5ppm beginning 1/23/09 and lasting about a week. 2/11/09 Terry called and said one special sample and 5 routines were negative and one positive from 320 Flounce. I advised them to collect a sample at the well which they can now do. The interior of the two storage tanks should be looked at. If nothing is seen in the tanks then another round of distribution disinfection should be undertaken. ACTION NEEDED: See next alert.
Associated Alerts: COLI6123 - 02/17/2009 - COLIFORM (TCR)

COLI6123 - 02/17/2009 - COLIFORM (TCR)

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