OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 05854 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Walt Longtin (208) 741-1036 | ||
Contact Date: | 02/18/2009 | ||
Contacted By: | BURNETT, GARY (DWP) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Field | ||
Assistance Type: | PRIORITY NON-COMPLIER | ||
Reasons: | SOCs Arsenic |
Details: | SUMMARY: SNC investigation for SOC, VOC non-reporting DETAILS: The system is a significant non-complier because SOC and VOC samples were not taken when due in 2007. Mr. Longtin thought the samples had been done, but upon checking with the lab, only IOC samples had been done in 2007. Mr. Longtin is struggling to afford the cost of the samples, but will try to get them taken by July. In addition, the system is a SNC because there is an Arsenic MCL violation (running annual average 12.4 ppb). However, the 12/2008 Arsenic result was 7.5 ppb. The Uranium level is also near the MCL (running annual average ~0.03 mg/l). Mr. Longtin has been discussing treatment options with suppliers, particularly Adege Company. Mr. Longtin has also submitted a letter of interest and is looking at funding options through SRF or potential stimulus loans/grants. ACTION NEEDED: Water system to sample for SOCs and VOCs. Water system to contact consulting engineering firm to review feasibility of treatment options and to assist with funding applications. |