OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00745
Who Was Contacted and Phone: John Duran (503) 390-1385
Contact Date: 06/06/2007
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Enforcement action DETAILS: Spoke with John and he informed me that they were having the 2005 and 2006 CCRs don and should be done soon. He said the June sample has been taken to the lab and they havent received the results yet. If it is good they will have a SNC resolution for reporting coliform. They are hoping the request for disinfection will be removed based on current/ongoing testing records. 7/3/07 John will take coliform sample today. He will call Joe Carlson to file for an extension. Their plan is to rotate coliform sampling in the distribution monthly and each month to take a special from one of the wells and use these results to determine if source water disinfection is needed. I contacted Tom Charbonneau and informed him of the plan. John has corrected some of the deficiencies. 7/11/07- Spoke with Minerva an she had a question about where to mail the CCRs. She will mail today. 8/29/07 Informed them SDWIS shows no routine and she said it was mismarked. 9/18/07 Met with Joe Carlson and Tom Charbonneau onsite. We will give them 90 days to comply. I requested to remove coliform monitoring violation from August 2007. 1/2/08 - Minerva said she is working with Jonathan Smith and they hope to have plans completed tomorrow. 4/15/08 - Minerva said the disinfection system hasnt been installed yet. 6/6/08 Two samples were absent for coliform. John did not know he had to report the chlorine residual on the routine sample slips. ACTION NEEDED: System can be returned to compliance.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3411
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