OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94988
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Mary Ann Seger (503) 257-1037
Contact Date: 08/20/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Received call from resident about possible waterborne disease. DETAILS: 8/20/09 Contacted by resident. His wife was hospitalized with bacterial gastroenteritis. He stated that hi wifes doctor mentioned the possibility of the well water being the reason she was sick. Discussed the testing requirements for the system. I explained that the water is being tested quarterly for coliform and yearly for nitrate. He mentioned that the park is now using household bleach instead of NSF bleach. I noticed the coliform samples over the last year or so have no chlorine residual reported. I spoke with Amy parmenter about the situation and she recommended I talk to operator of the park and possibly take a special sample at the residents home. She also said that they can use chlorine bleach as long as it does not have any fragrance. She said to discuss that the chlorine result is not being reported to the state. I contacted Mary Ann on 8/21/09 and she said they are currently involved in a court case with the complainants. She said that they have not lived in the park since May of 2009. I talked to Mary about the chlorine residual not being monitored and reported to state. She said she would follow up with the lab. 9/3/09 Complainant was a different person than originally thought , no last name given during first call. Linn Co health nurse called the hospital to get results of the testing. The results came back negative for all things checked…I.e. salmonella, c-deficille, Crytpo,giardia, Ecoli etc. ACTION NEEDED: none

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