OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00461
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Jim Helton (503) 225-9010
Contact Date: 10/21/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Informal Enforcement Action proposal DETAILS: Background

Pete asked WS at the March 2009 survey to either split into 2 water systems, chlorinate the entire distribution, or stop chlorinating the entire distribution.
Rivergrove debated the choices at their subsequent board meetings. The outcome is still unknown.
Rivergrove has taken raw samples from both wells for years every month-- all negative results.

{ Rivergrove has maintained two distributions for ~10 years. }


Jim Helton, city engineer from MSA, said no decision had been made on Oct. 2. Jim wants to know that if Rivergrove decides to chlorinate the entire distribution, can they piggyback their chlorination project on the back of an existing State Revolving Loan Fund (SRLF) project. Rivergrove would not complete the existing SRLF project until summer 2011. The project involves drilling a new third well, then re-sealing the two existing wells.

DHS-DWP Response - (aka informal enforcement)

Yes, Rivergrove can delay their decision on whether or not to chlorinate, if they:

1. submit 2 new coliform sampling plans by Dec. 31, 2009.
2. take 2 coliform samples every month in the upper (currently chlorinated) zone, and
3. take 3 monthly samples in the lower (unchlorinated) zone.
4. take two asbestos samples - one in each zone. (Last samples were taken in 2002, and they are now on 9 year schedule.)
5. submit Plan Review for new third well three (3) months before drilling the new well.
6. submit Plan Review for chlorinator one (1) month before installing.
7. decide (whether to chlorinate, not to chlorinate, or split into two (2) water systems), execute, and complete task before June 2011.

If Rivergrove struggles to meet any of these deadlines, notify this department more than one (1) month in advance. ACTION NEEDED: WS response, asap.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3348
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