OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00236
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ray Pardee (541) 228-0179
Contact Date: 11/24/2009
Contacted By: LYON, CASEY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Power outage at Layng creek WTP-Boi Water notice DETAILS: Ray Pardee called today to let us know the Layng creek WTP had a power outage in the wind storm the early morning of 11/17/09. The back-up generator also failed, thus sending filtered water to distribution system with no disinfection for approximately 4.5 hours. The power and disinfection feed pump came back on at about 5 am. After discussing the situation with several DWP staff and managers, we decided to advise PWS to issue a Tier 1 boil water notice to the affected areas. The city of Cottage Grove did issue the boil water notice the evening of 11/17/09 for NE section of the city and Row river rd residences. The city issued a press release as well as posting the notice on the city website and staff were distributing the notice door-to-door for several hours. The city collected several coliform samples throughout the area and all came back absent on 11/19. The city then issued a problem resolved notice on 11/19 letting customers know the water is again safe to drink. The city is now going to issue a Tier 2 public notice letting customers know they did not meet the contact time requirement for the day of 11/17/09 and this will be mailed out with the next bill to customers. ACTION NEEDED: send a copy of tier 2 notice to state.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4293
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