OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94335
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Bob Nelson (541) 485-6618
Contact Date: 10/21/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Positive coliform DETAILS: During a routine inspection I looked up water results and discovered a positive total coliform I called Bob to see what the plan was. He was planning to put in a new system the next day. I told him he needed to have a plan review. I referred him to the Portland office. He was planning to take repeat samples the next day. Bob was incredulous that a plan review is required. According to the store manager he had already chlorinated the well and hadnt taken the repeat samples prior to that. He wants to add a chlorination system. I am sending a copy of this report to Brian Hawkins who has responsibility for Lane County. I looked at the well head and observed a large amount of corrosion around the top seal. There is a hole in the top of the seal with wires running out of it. There is no cement pad around the well casing. The well head is about ten feet from Hwy. 126. ACTION NEEDED: Submit plan review for proposed chlorination system. Take repeat samples.
Associated Alerts: COLI6945 - 10/14/2009 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 2203
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