OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00306
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ray Dhuyvetter (503) 730-9407
Contact Date: 07/02/2009
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Regulatory Assistance - Booster Pump Problem DETAILS: I spoke with Ray re a complaint of turbidity and no pressure received by the State DWP. Ray said, his booster pump went out several times and he had to replace it 3 times. He thinks it may be an electrical issue and has PGE coming out tomorrow. He said, the pump coming back online may be causing the turbidity problem and air sucking into the lines from the pressure tank is causing air in the lines. I asked him if the pressure in the distribution system dropped below 20 psi. He said, the pressure probably dropped below 20 psi but he has maintained pressure. I asked if he was maintaining a chlorine residual? He said, there is residual. I advised him to increase the chlorine residual to at least 1ppm or more to compensate for the turbidity. I also advised him to take coliform samples ASAP to determine if any contamination occurred due to a drop in pressure. He agreed to do that. I asked Ray if he knew what the pressure is in the system? He said, he will hook up a pressure gauge to the homes and let me know. He said, the pipe from the pressure tank to the first couple of homes may have lost pressure but he switched to gravity as soon as he was notified of the problem and he is currently (100%) on gravity at this time and will not switch back to pressure until he is sure the pump is fixed. A pressure reading was taken online drive and was 10 psi. He is maintaining the reservoir at near capacity since his well pump is working correctly. ACTION NEEDED: Operator was advised to issue back water notice any time there is no pressure in the system. If pressure falls below 20 psi for an extended period of time, a boil notice may be required depending on circumstances. He needs to contact DHS DWP or this office.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3299
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