OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05319
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Ron Gallagher (541) 587-4469
Contact Date: 03/18/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Response to complaint DETAILS: Ron complains of staining and taste and odor from the water in his residence at the Mobil Home Park. He claims that the water system is not maintaining the water system adequately, and that the filtration system is not working properly. Claims he has had the water sampled and that certain parameters exceed criteria. I researched and found that they are up to date on coliform and nitrate monitoring, and no primary water quality parameter health based violations have occurred. I discussed their chlorination and filtration for iron reducing bacteria with the owner of the park, Ellen at 541 587-4406. She indicated that the treatment unit is a Kinetico CP213 Macrolite, and that she is following vendors maintenance schedule. She says no one else is complaining and that it is Rons older unit and the water heater contributing to issues. I mentioned to Ron system meeting primary regulatory health based limits, and that secondary contaminants are only guidelines. ACTION NEEDED: DWP to continue to research taste & odor issue with local Douglas County contact. Discuss next water system survey with county, and provide support to system and individual. DWP to continue to recommend that complaintant discuss aesthetic issues with neighbors and owners of the park, and indicate DWPs area of jurisdiction.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 296
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