OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00757
Who Was Contacted and Phone: James Posterick (503) 362-1756
Contact Date: 02/11/2010
Contacted By: CARR, BRAD (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Field
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Manganese Problems DETAILS: System operates a 140 connection system that is in a mostly retirement community. The system has two wells-- the primary well produces 350 gpm and pressurizes a 3,000 gallon pressure tank. Over the years manganese from the water has been building up throughout the most of service lines that have been in place for 50 years, they are starting to clog with manganese build ups. A rough estimate is the average flows could be reduced by as much as 80%. This is based on visual evidence of existing pipes. I met with system personnel on site and to assist Mr Posterick with the water board and give them a few options for making system adjustments to reduce manganese levels. Currently the manganese levels are below the EPA’s Secondary MCL of 0.05 mgl. Primary problem is that the existing service network will need a major upgrade as much of the distribution system has very significant manganese building leading to permanently reduce flows. I also provided a basic report outline options and costs for additional manganese treatment, as requested by the water board. ACTION NEEDED: None needed at this time.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3416
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