OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00722
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Martin Klinger (541) 921-0673
Contact Date: 07/27/2010
Contacted By: KALISH, FRED (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Eratic Chlorine Residuals DETAILS: Lincoln County Environmental Health Dept notified me of problems with chlorine residuals in the Boulder Creek WS. County testing showed no detectable residual on Saturday (July 24th) and Sunday (July 25th). In addition, I received a call this morning reporting strong smell of chlorine in the water. I called Martin Klinger (DRC) to discuss chlorine residual in the system. Martin told me that a fitting on the injector had failed and he felt that this explained the lack of residual over the weekend. He did not know exactly when the failure occurred, or when it was fixed since Janine and Chandler (Bette Carters daughter and son-in-law) have been performing the daily monitoring duties on the system. Martin indicated that Chandler is measuring chlorine residual at the "treatment bldg" and at two locations in the distribution system on a daily basis. I suggested that he discuss with Chandler that the samples should be collected at representative locations in the DS to ensure that they are getting good information on the variability of chlorine throughout the DS. ACTION NEEDED: None at this time.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3400
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