OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 05324
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Toyne Tibbets (503) 666-8001
Contact Date: 07/07/2010
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Repeat E-Coli positive for sample date 07-02-10. DETAILS: ID ALERT: COLI7844---Called Toyne and he indicated that they have been on a voluntary boil water since 06-03-10. They decided as a water system that they should boil water before the results of the repeats come back. I went over the results and let him know that the source sample was total coliform positive while the kitchen faucet at 9741 SE Ladera was E-Coli positive. I let him know that the system is now on an official public notice and he needs to complete a public notice. I e-mailed Toyne the link to the boil water public notice template. I also e-mailed the link for Commonly Asked Questions following a Boil Water Notice. He indicated that he felt that the well head had flooded during one of the heavy rain events in June. The top of the case so very close to the concrete pad and Toyne indicated that there was a mud build up at the bottom of the well head so the standing water must have raised in the pump/pressure tank house. During the last survey I noted that the well head terminated less than 12 inches above grade and if water sampling indicated a problem that is may be necessary to raise the well casing. I suggested that since the well was vulnerable to flooding they need to look into raising the well head to prevent this from happening again in the future. I recommended that they disinfect the system and take some special samples to see if the total coliform and E-Coli are absent. I also recommended that they take the five temp. routine samples early in July to get off of the boil water. ACTION NEEDED: Obtain boil water notice from Toyne. Follow up on further testing to get system off the boil water.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 298
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