OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00692
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Howard Allen (503) 556-4277
Contact Date: 03/28/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Resident complaint - Arsenic treatment DETAILS: Howard called to object to a 30-day notice from the City he received on March 10th, that he needed to install an approved reverse osmosis filter in his house, or have his water service disconnected. Stated he was not going to comply and objects to requirement that City be allowed abiltiy to inspect installation inside his home. Was upset at DWP for approving point of use treatment to address arsenic contamination in well. Wants centralized treatment or City to use another source, and feels DWP not protecting public health by not ensuring all indoor and outdoor fixtures meet Arsenic MCL. He indicated that he has not contacted Kevin Miller (old mayor) about his concerns as there is a restraining order involved. Howard indicated that he will contact television channels to broadcast his displeasure with City not providing treatment for all water at his house, and DWPs approval. I indicated I would like to respond to his concerns about dermal, bathing exposure to Arsenic. ACTION NEEDED: DWP to provide support to City as they address Arsenic exceedence at well, and return to compliance with the Administrative Order. I indicated to Howard that DWP and City are separate entities, and that point of use treatment for Arsenic is an approved best available technology according to the program.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3986
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