OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 94224
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Andy Rockwell (541) 973-6220
Contact Date: 04/22/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: N/A
Details: SUMMARY: Public Water System determination DETAILS: I to determine if the facility is in fact a public water system. The vast majority of buildings are on city water. however, the horse barns, the horse arena and the grand stadium are all on the ground water well system. The public has access to the water via the restrooms ( handwashing sinks and shower stalls). Even though the ground water well is not used for any drinking or cooking purposes, this water is used for hand and face washing, and even showering from time to time. For this reason, after consulting with Daniel Hough , the facility will remain listed as a Public water system and continue to perform its regular monitoring duties. After this determination was made, a copy of the ERP and the O&M manual was given to the facility. Instructions were left that both of these documents needed to be complete and a sanitary survey would be scheduled for sometime within the next two weeks (a survey did not take place today in part because the main mission was to determine if the facility should be a public water system or not as well as the submersible pump in the well has malfunctioned and currently the whole well system has been shut down.. ACTION NEEDED: Schedule sanitary survey and complete documents that were left with the facility.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1656
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