OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 01221
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Laura Cochran (503) 628-1600
Contact Date: 06/03/2011
Contacted By: DANIELS, BRAD (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: ENFORCEMENT
Reasons: Arsenic
Details: SUMMARY: Plan review for new well DETAILS: Laura called and left a message late on 6/2/2011 stating that she was going to abandon her attempt to obtain SDWRLF backing for the installation of an arsenic treatment system. She stated that there were too many strings attached and that it just wouldnt work for a park like Belle Passi. She said they are going to concentrate on a new well instead, and that she believes it can be funded privately, and also completed in a very short amount of time. She suggested a driller could be on site and have the work done within a few weeks. I returned Lauras phone call and left a message stating that she needs to make sure a site plan and the plan review fee is submitted to the program before the driller starts working on a new well. I also reminded Laura that we need a copy of her public notice udated and issued for the 2nd quarter of this year. I stated in the message that both of these things need to be done before the end of the month. ACTION NEEDED: Wait for submission of plans for a new well and the submission of a 2nd quarter 2011 public notice.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3583
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