OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 95076
Who Was Contacted and Phone: sdwis
Contact Date: 06/23/2011
Contacted By: BAIRD, GREGG (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: GWR
Details: SUMMARY: Well intentionally contaminated with E. coli DETAILS: System is on a boil water notice due to +EC in the source and distribution. On 6/9, a RT quarterly was +TC/+EC-- 3 RPs and a TG source collected 6/10-11 were all +TC/+EC. The contractor hired to disinfect the well discovered the well had been vandalized-- the dome on the pitless adapter had been removed and human feces was found by the well, also it appeared that someone had tried to dig around the well casing. Since the cause of the contamination was obvious, the system did not take 5 confirmation samples and instead jumped to corrective action (shock-chlorinating the well and distribution system). The contractor handling this is Mike Lowerie of Shilo Water. Mike called me today 6/23 (Sarah Schwab is unavailable until Monday) to report that after shock-chlorinating the system, 4 more repeats and a source sample were collected 6/22 and all came back +TC/+EC. He suspects that fecal matter was dropped down the well casing and is still there. He is recommending the owner have the well contents blown out-- this is accomplished by installing casing to the bottom of the well (about 300) and sending compressed air down and forcing the contents up and out the top of the casing. After that, the well will be shock-chlorinated again and coliform samples collected. The owner is considering trying shock-chlorination again instead of blowing out the well, but Mike thinks that wont work if fecal matter was thrown down the well. I told him that DWP does not care what method is used to correct the E. coli contamination-- we just require that the boil water notice stay in place until all coliform samples from the well and distribution system come back absent for coliform. He said he understood and would talk to the owners and see what course of action they wanted to take. He indicated that a police report had been done. ACTION NEEDED: None

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4546
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