OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93702
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kelly Howard (541) 929-3169
Contact Date: 09/22/2011
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: 90% copper at 1.42 DETAILS: spoke to Kelly regarding the copper levels for the plumbing replacement program. Initially I calculated the 90% wrong. We spoke about it not being an issue. However after talking to Chuck Michael I found I was in error. Also upon further review it was discovered that two fixtures that were tested were actually not replaced and on back order. We are working the operator to invalidate the original samples and retest the system. Kelly needs to confirm with the contractor that the fixtures that were not replaced were actually the ones that tested high. As of 9/23/11 the new fixtures had been installed. Spoke to Betsy Parry who in turn consulted with Fred Kalish that this was the appropriate approach. As well the samples (2) were drawn from high/low fountain fixtures. It was determined that even though there are two spouts on the fountain, essentially it was still one fixture and only one sample should be required. ACTION NEEDED: Work with Kelly to request invalidation of the original samples. Wait for information from Kelly to confirm high samples were from fixtures that were on back order and not replaced. Wait for results of the resubmitted sample for lead and copper on the replaced fixtures.
Associated Alerts: CHEM5045 - 09/19/2011 - COPPER SUMMARY

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1415
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