OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00030
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Martin Allard (541) 926-9787
Contact Date: 02/15/2012
Contacted By: HOFELD, EVAN (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Total Coliform MCL for Feb 2012 DETAILS: Martin called requesting regulatory assistance for a total coliform positive routine sample at space 29 taken 02/03/12. 5 repeats samples were taken 02/09/12, of which a repeat taken as space 29 and a source sample at well 1 (SRC-AA) were total coliform positive (the remaining 3 repeats were absent of coliform). Martin said he was unsure about his sampling technique as he was new to the operation and only flushed about 3-5 gallons prior to sampling. The well 1 sample was taken after some microscreens. He said that he was unaware of what may have led to the coliform positive sample (no line breaks or other events). The system had a single total coliform positive sample in Oct 2011 and then nothing prior to that until January 2009. No E. coli has ever been detected. I advised him to resample (1 at space 29, 1 upstream, 1 downstream, and 1 at well #1) and notify our office and/or Linn County of the results. I explained that if any of the resamples are total coliform positive that he may need to shock chlorinate and flush the system. I also advised him to deliver a Tier 2 public notice for the total coliform MCL violation and faxed him the template. I also instructed him to take 5 temporary routine samples in March. I notified Jay Macpherson in our Springfield office of my conversation and left a message for Alyson Reynolds with Linn County. This contact report was also e-mailed to Jay and Alyson. ACTION NEEDED: System to resample, deliver Tier 2 public notice for the Total Coliform MCL violation, and keep Linn County and DWP apprised of any new results. System is also to take 5 temporary routine samples in March.
Associated Alerts: COLI10186 - 02/07/2012 - COLIFORM (TCR)

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3221
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