OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00030
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Martin Allard (541) 926-9787
Contact Date: 02/17/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Discuss coliform and circuit rider assistance DETAILS: Met with Martin, new operator, to go over the coliform history and recent survey. I recommended he contact the circuit rider for further assistance. I also spoke with Russ about the Macro Particulate Analysis (MPA)samples that were done in 1999. I reviewed the well location in relation to the surface water source and the wells are within 100 feet of the pond. If system ends up with 4 or more positive coliform samples in the source or a confirmed Ecoli then they will be evaluated further by the regional hydro geologist to determine if additional MPAs are needed. If you or the system is concerned about the potential for the source to be contaminated, you may request the well be evaluated or you can have the site start collecting source samples. If the system is interested in addressing the coliform issue, they may install a chlorinator after completing the plan review process, for residual maintenance and that process most likely will trigger a well evaluation and source assessment monitoring. I forwarded a copy to Robert Henry, circuit rider. ACTION NEEDED: none

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3221
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