OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00003
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Tom Shaddon (541) 231-0400
Contact Date: 04/05/2012
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Question on using new excel version of surface water monthly form DETAILS: Tom Shaddon phoned in to say that he tried using the new excel version of the monthly surface water treatment forms that we have put online, but he wasnt sure how to plug in the baffling factor for their reservoirs and the level in the clearwell (They calculate the CT at varying volumes in the clear well using a baffling factor that was determined from the tracer study). So he had made some additional notations about these factors, and was planning to attach them to the form he needs to submit soon for March. He asked if that would pass muster. I told him to go ahead and send it in, and the additional notes would not count against his submission. If anything, it will point out that something may be unclear with the new forms and alert the responsible party at DWP to look into it. ACTION NEEDED: Tom has created a few additional fields within the excel form to record the minimum clearwell level for that day and the baffling factor (a constant) for calculating CT. He will submit this annotated March report on or before the due date of April 10th.

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