OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00018
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Montie Torgeson (541) 760-1791
Contact Date: 06/25/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Lead or Copper
Details: SUMMARY: Follow up to copper alert DETAILS: Met with Montie on site 6/22/12 to go over his significant deficiencies and discuss the next steps for monitoring/reporting lead and copper. When Montie hooked the soda ask back up a few months ago he puts both the chlorine and soda ash in the same container to mix and it feeds in through one line. I talked to Jay M about this and he said the chlorine and soda ash should be separate. Montie thought it would be okay because they originally were in separate containers but were feed in through the same line. Monti has been getting pH readings of 6.8-7.0 for the past few weeks. I told him to go back to having the separate containers and then he would be able to adjust the soda ash to a larger concentration since it would have its own pump. We also discussed that he would need to take an additional 6 samples by June 30, 2012. He is back to 10 samples because of the exceedance from last year. I told him he would need another 10 samples by 12/31/12. After we get these results we may be able to put him back to the 5 samples and a yearly schedule. ACTION NEEDED: none
Associated Alerts: CHEM5379 - 05/31/2012 - COPPER SUMMARY

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