OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details |
PWS ID: | OR41 92787 | ||
Who Was Contacted and Phone: | Josh Weathers (503) 854-3226 | ||
Contact Date: | 08/23/2012 | ||
Contacted By: | PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2) | ||
Contact Method/Location: | Office | ||
Assistance Type: | VIOLATION RESPONSE | ||
Reasons: | SWTR Operations |
Details: | SUMMARY: Discussed non-submittal of surface water monthly reports for this season DETAILS: I have been leaving phone messages and emails for Josh Weathers for several weeks about their non-submittal of any monthly reports for this surface water system yet this season. In early May, he had told me they would begin operation sometime mid-May. I finally reached Josh by phone this morning. He is almost never there during their busiest season (now) and apologized for not getting back to me. He explained that he had communicated with Gregg Baird of DWP in early August, and had sent in all monthly reports for this season for a few systems at that time (This USFS district spans Marion and Linn counties, hence Joshs correspondence with both Gregg and me). They have a new concessionaire operating their districts water systems this year, who had not been submitting these forms. I checked with Gregg Baird today. He said Josh did email the monthly reports to DMCE and Gregg on August 9th, however he noticed that Josh had used the wrong email address for the DMCE. Gregg will now re-send these reports to the correct addess so they will be entered into the database, and also to me for review. The violations for late reporting will stand on their record. Meanwhile, as flagged in their last survey, this system still needs to conduct a tracer study. Josh said today that Heath Cokeley of OAWU will be conducting it, and that they hope to submit the proposal to DWP within a week or so. ACTION NEEDED: Gregg Baird will communicate with Josh Weathers again to make sure that both Josh and the USFS concessionaire know the requirement for monthly operating reports (submitted by the 10th of the following month), and the correct ways to submit these compliance reports. Awaiting submission of tracer study proposal. |