OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00003
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Tom Shaddon (541) 231-0400
Contact Date: 08/31/2012
Contacted By: PARRY, BETSY (REGION 2)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: SWTR
Details: SUMMARY: Clarification and feedback on monthly surface water reports submitted DETAILS: During review of recent monthly turbidity and CT reports from this system, I noticed that there are two columns labeled "Actual CT" with different values. That confused me, as it has a couple other engineers in my program. (One engineer sent me an email saying Adair did not appear to make CT in May, because he was looking at the value in the first, not adjusted, CT column.) Tom explained the 2nd "Actual CT" column takes into account the minimum level in the clearwell that day and the baffling achieved (using a baffling factor that was calculated from the tracer study results). The first column does not account for the fact thre is always going to be more water in the clearwell than there was during the Tracer Study (that was the worse, worse case scenario). I suggested that Tom re-label the columns (or delete one) to avoid mis-interpretation. Also, he is going to email me his blank monthly form, and I will see if I can reformat it so that the CT values appear together on one page. (Adair was submitting a one-page version of the form till we sent them an updated template early in 2012. Tom had to add the clearwell level and baffling factor columns onto the right, which bumped it onto another page.) ACTION NEEDED: When Tom emails me his excel spreadsheet of the monthly report, I will try reformatting it so that the CT components will appear on the same printed page. Meanwhile, in the agency file, I will make notes on a recent report so that other DWP staff will how to read the CT portion of the reports from the last 6 or so months.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3937
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