OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00252
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Various
Contact Date: 09/27/2012
Contacted By: KALISH, FRED (REGION 1)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Nitrate
Details: SUMMARY: Discharge of Liquid Manure near wellfield DETAILS: PHS Toxicology received telephone call reporting concerns over liquid waste discharge near Dayton Lafayette Wellfield. I asked Gary Van Der Veen (Yamhill County) to visit the location. He observed the location of the discharge with respect to the location of supply wells in the Dayton-Lafayette wellfield, and consulted directly with the Dayton Public Works Director Steve Sagmiller regarding the reported discharge.The City was aware of the discharge and indicated that "the practice in no way affects their wells or water quality." The location of the discharge is approximately 400 ft from the wells, across the street on Airport property. There are two storm drainage ditches separating the discharge from the land containing the municipal wells. The discharge is under the authority of ODA through a CAFO permit of the Brian Turley Farms (Dairy).I consulted both the permit writer at ODA (Charlene Troost) and DEQ (Karen Williams) regarding regulatory oversight for agriculural waste discharges. I also consulted with Geologists of the Drinking Water Services and confirmed that the aquifer supplying the Dayton/Lafayette wellfield is a "confined" aquifer - (under pressure) - inherently resistent to surface contamination.Based on my investigation, the location of the discharge does not violate DWS regulations (location is > 100ft from wellheads), the aquifer is naturally protected from surface contamination, and the discharge is regulated by ODA and apparently consistent with an approved CAFO permit, likely as a component of a "Animal Waste Management Plan."I contacted Sam Jayroe and reported my findings - he seemed appreciative, and satisfied that the appropriate authorities were aware of the discharge he observed. ACTION NEEDED: None at this time.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 4135
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