OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00064
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Kim King (541) 566-0228
Contact Date: 11/02/2012
Contacted By: GOSS, BILL (DWP)
Contact Method/Location: Office
Assistance Type: BOIL WATER
Reasons: Operations
Details: SUMMARY: Boil Order Due to Loss of Pressure DETAILS: Received a call from a customer who lives in Athena. Customer reported muddy colored water at the residence before noon Thursday that left silty layer on plumbing fixtures and clogged faucet screens. Caller had not received any notice form the city. Called the city and spoke with Michelle Fox and Kim King. Kim reported that Thursday during construction of a new water line on main street the contractor had uncapped a pressurized 10-inch line. The open line ran for about 20 minutes before it could be valved off. This led to scouring of the water mains and a loss of pressure in parts of the system. Pressure had been restored, however I advised that a boil order was necessary as a precaution due to the loss of pressure. Discussed the need for one or more passing coliform samples before the boil order can be lifted. Advised Michelle that since there was inadequate city staff available to distribute notice door to door, it should be sent to KUMA to be announced on the radio. Called county environmental health staff to inform them of the boil order. ACTION NEEDED: City to distribute boil notice, collect bacteria sample, continue to flush water system.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3685
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