OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 93549
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Paul Shroth (503) 630-4978
Contact Date: 12/04/2012
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Coliform
Details: SUMMARY: Resolution of Priority Non Complier (PNC) DETAILS: The system was a PNC with a score of 19. The system had 2 outstanding MCLs from 2ne and 3rd quarters of 2012. The system operator cleaned and disinfected the storage reservoir. The system also disinfected both of the wells and distribution system. I believe the reservoir was the likely culprit. The system has a new well that was documented during the 9/2012 survey. The source sample tap for the new well was not an adequate sample tap and it was sampling just off of the reservoir. The system took 5 routine samples on 11/2/12 and all were absent. The system had a one positive coliform sample on 8/2/12 and this sample was taken at a frost free bib and is not a good sampling location. I discussed this with the operator. The system has installed a new sample tap for better source sampling on the new pitiless adaptor well. Systems public notice and routine coliform samples have been returned to compliance (RTCd) with the 5 routine samples in November. The MCL violations have been RTCd. The system only has a source sample violation remaining with a system score of 1. I will let the system know about the remaining violations. ACTION NEEDED: Monitor system score and continue working with operator as needed

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 1366
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