OHA Drinking Water Services
OHA Drinking Water Services
Contact Report Details

PWS ID: OR41 00281
Who Was Contacted and Phone: Tom Ouellette (503) 630-8201
Contact Date: 04/24/2013
Contact Method/Location: Office
Reasons: Chlorine
Details: SUMMARY: System survey follow up DETAILS: Survey date 5/23/12. Tony Raines assisted me with the original survey. Tony isnt the main water contact as the onsite manager was away. Tony wasn’t sure if the facility still chlorinated or not. He thought they did but Tom had told me they didnt and hadnt for awhile. All of the equipment was still hooked up. I waited to see if the pump operated but there was no demand on the system so the well never turned on while I was in the pump house. No record were being kept of any chlorine. Tom follow ed up with the onsite manager and he confirmed they were not chlorinating. I decided to stop by the system unannounced with a chlorine test kit to be sure they werent chlorinating. I stopped by and took a chlorine reading with y DPD kit. The system had no chlorine residual. The onsite manager insisted they had not chlorinated in years. The equipment is there is case of a coliform detection. As the system no longer chlorinated the disinfection deficiencies noted during the survey are corrected. ACTION NEEDED: Send update to the state to reflect the system is no longer chlorinating.

More information for this water system: SDWIS ID 3290
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